Local Ladies Gather for First Ever All Ladies Snow Polo Game in Canada.

Article written by Emily Hurst

The first ever all ladies snow polo game was played recently in Toronto. The game was held at Di Rosa Polo and hosted by Crystal Di Rosa with help from her husband, Santiago Di Rosa, and her team of volunteers who all pitched in to prepare the snow surface and condition the horses for the game. 

Snow polo is not the easiest event to host, even in the Canadian winter climate. Due to fluctuating temperatures which can cause the wrong consistency or simply too much/not enough snow. The week leading up to the game the temperatures were steady and ranging from -10 to -25 degrees Celsius so the snow and field conditions became ideal. 

Players from all the local polo farms were invited. Ladies from Di Rosa Polo, Foxden Farms, and Polo Management Services all braved the -14 degree temperatures and participated in the fun. Unfortunately, the Greater Niagara Polo Club ladies had planned to attend but ultimately couldn’t make it due to snowy weather out their way that morning. 

Thankfully, the four ‘young guns’ of Di Rosa Polo and Toronto Polo Club, who’d planned to split two spots, stepped in to fill the vacated spots at the last minute. Huge thanks to these ladies, Hailey Clarke, Mel Carlen, Ali McDonald and Charlotte Lightly, for altering their weekend ski plans to join the snow polo fun. 

Ali summed up the event best; “It felt great to be a part of something so new and exciting with such an amazing group of people. I think that we should definitely create more opportunities for women to play together competitively. There are many women playing polo at clubs across Canada and it would be great to have them brought together more often.”

While the toe numbing temperatures were none too pleasant, it’s safe to say the game was a success. More so, because it brought together a competitive group of local lady players to connect and enjoy the sport. It’s also worth mentioning that the majority of the ladies who played were first generation players. 

And while the game itself is over, the ladies are inspired and hoping to create more opportunities to compete and play together in the near future. 

To see photos click on the link below. Photo credit to Sophie Le of Le Photography.



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